Download Read more Baseball Star v1.6.1 Моd Apk (Unlimited Autoplay points/Free Training)

Challenge League Open!!
It’s a new concept baseball game!
Have your own unique team and players!!
You can enjoy playing a baseball game and managing your baseball team at the same time!
★ Have your own team and players!
You can create your own team with your favorite lineup and players.
You can edit your team name and players’ name.
You can upgrade your stadium.
★ It will get stronger!
Recruit good players by collecting the cards and combination of them.
Train your players to upgrade stats of power, contact, speed and etc.
Decorate your players with items such as uniforms, bats, hats and etc.
★ Be the Champion!
You can enjoy 2 game mode (Challenge mode and League mode)
You will be promoted to a higher league and be rewarded various prizes.
Be the champion of Legend League!
★ Auto Play!
You can play a game in person through Manual Play.
Also you can enjoy watching the game play simulation through Auto Play.

Install Steps

Download .APK file
Install . APK file
Play Game
And Enjoy

APK dosyasını aşağıdan indirin ve kurun.
Oyunu açın. Keyfini Çıkarın 


File size: 82.11MB
1.) BP+
2.) CP+
3.) AP+
4.) free CP 2hr wait timer-
5.) cheat protection-
(+) increasing
(-) removed
Hint: Use the Free CP button til you can buy something cheap(See Player Item) from the shop.
Once your currency is built up, you can use LP to patch and disable the ADS within the game.

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