Download Magic Rampage v3.6.2 (Mod Apk Money)

Magic Rampage brings back the look and feel of the very best classic platformers from the 90’s, introducing refreshed and engaging gameplay mechanics. If you miss platformers from the 16-bit era, and think games nowadays aren’t that good anymore, think twice! Magic Rampage is for you.
Magic Rampage supports joysticks, gamepads and physical keyboard for even more accurate gameplay responsiveness.
Want to join the beta testers and be able to test newer versions before everyone else? Find out how:
ATTENTION: for good gaming experience, a high-end Android device is recommended.
Install Steps
Download the APK, OBB, and DATA file from below.
Remove the folder inside the OBB folder into the Device Memory/Android/obb.
Remove the folder in the DATA folder into Device Memory / Android / obb.
Finally, install the APK file.
Open the game. And Enjoy
APK, OBB ve DATA dosyasını aşağıdan indirin.
OBB klasörü içindeki klasörü Cihaz Hafızası/Android/obb içine çıkartın.
DATA klasörü içindeki klasörü Cihaz Hafızası/Android/obb içine çıkartın.
Son olarak APK dosyasını kurun.
Oyunu açın. Keyfini Çıkarın
File size: 195.5 MBMOD: Sell Iron Dagger to get money
Download Links

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